Monday, April 20, 2020

Mallesham (2019) Movie Review - 50th Review

This film being an art film was being ignored by my family ever since its release. But, I never thought this would be the best choice for my 50th review. Thank you for all the support you guys have been giving me. This decision comes from the poll I have put in my instagram regarding the language of the film for my 50th review almost a week ago. Telugu won in a fierce contest English, Tamil, Kannada, Malayalam, Hindi and Telugu. 

Talking about this film, I had no idea about this film until KTR actually gave a shoutout to this film on his Twitter handle. Then, when it came to the theatres, it got a seriously good critical reception but its theatrical reception was not great as it is an art film. But, now that I have watched it today, how is the film? Let's find out.
Mallesham is a 2019 telugu biographical drama starring Priyadarshi, Ananya Nagella in the lead roles directed by Raj R. The story is a biographical film of Chintakindi Mallesham who belongs to a textile family who tries to build a machine to help his mother who is involved in a very physically demanding technique called ''Aasu''. 

The screenplay is real beyond belief. This film is literally a life story. It begins with Mallesham's childhood where he is forced to leave school at 6th grade. It lays foundation for the emotional core of the film, the mother and son relationship. Also, some nostalgia for 80's kid with all the school scenes. Then, after it becomes an inspirational journey where each and every scene is deeply meaningful and teaches us many life and career lessons. This is what many engineers strive for, an "Idea". The struggle of Mallesham is shown very well with very good understanding of human nature and superb realism. As there are no films representing Textile Industry in recent times, this film takes some responsibility by showing scenes urging people to respect the art of weaving. This really impressed me. One small gripe I have with this film is the way Mallesham gets to make the machine. In this realistic setting, this part feels little out-of-place and does not gel well with me. Leaving that aside, if you are an engineer, you should definitely watch it. If you are an 80's guy, you should watch it. If you are a common man, you should definitely watch this film to take some inspiration and show that we are not common. 

The acting of the film is really good. This is one of those rare films which has a director for acting. This helps the film a lot. First, the casting is excellent. Each and every person in the film fits well with the role and some familiar faces in the film rock it. Priyadarshi yet again proves that he is not just a comedian but a very good actor. He has no hint of acting shown in the role but he lives it. His diction, his body language and his expressions perfectly sync together in one of his best performances. The heroine Ananya Nagella impresses in her first outing. Her scenes with Priyadarshi blossom very well and bring out a smile in her face. She has a wide range of acting and definitely has a bright future with her next project with PSPK. Jhansi as Lakshmi, Mallesham's mother steals the show in her scenes. We can relate the character with our mother and so we can tell that her acting was very solid. Chakrapani Ananda as Mallesham's father also shines as his struggles of maintaining his family and coping with some tough decisions resonate with us. All the other actors in the film act really well and this is the gold standard of acting.

The technical aspects of the film too shine really well as the director cruises along with his departments. The cinematography of the film really brought the village nativity and struggles to life. The intro shots of weaving really laid the foundation and the colours are perfect. Often when art films are made, makers tend to overindulge and make it long. But, this film with its editing really did not give it that feel. Neither is the film boring nor is the film long. The film is crisp and moves at a brisk pace putting us hooked every minute. The music too is very pleasant and puts a smile on our face. The BGM actually elevates some important scenes as they are very pleasing yet give out such impact. Kudos to the art department, costume design, production design for the realistic setting of the film. They bring to life, the world of Chintakindi Mallesham.

Overall, this film is a must watch. Yes, this film is not for everybody but this film is that film which will inspire you, make you work hard for that "Idea" and achieve success. The makers have achieved something big with the film introducing us to Mallesham and making us understand the importance of textile industry. It is on Netflix. Salute to Chintakindi Mallesham.

iMDB Rating : 8.5/10
My Rating : 9.5/10

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