Wednesday, April 1, 2020

HIT-The First Case (2020) Movie Review

This movie is on my watchlist since its release. I checked all OTT platforms, releases on each and every website. Now, it got released on Amazon Prime Video. I got really excited after this. I waited and waited to see this movie. The trailers excited me a lot and how I am a thriller lover, this film is right up my alley. The movie team also dared to release the first 5 minutes of the film online in the name of a sneak peek. This video was the trigger that really raised the bar for me. I took a look at this film. So, how did this fare out ???
HIT The First Case is a 2020 Telugu whodunit investigative thriller directed by Dr. Sailesh Kolanu starring Vishwak Sen, Ruhani Sharma, Murali Shama, Bhanuchander and a line of actors. The story revolves around Vikram Rudraraj, a CID officer with a troubled past. When he finds that his loved one is missing, he has to tackle his past once again to solve the case. Could he find his loved one? This is a no spoiler review. So, watch the film.

The screenplay is very realistic and detailed. The film is directed by a doctor. That is why, the film consists of some medical related touches in it which is really fresh. The actual investigation of the film is very detailed. It sums up the entire process of investigation, the case, it's assignment, it's handling, investigation techniques etc. very well. It delivers some good twists in the first half of the movie and the clues themselves are good. The second half though is a slight disappointment. The film builds an intense tension when we reach the interval. But, the film fizzes out as we start the second half and move towards the climax. It is good but really it could have been better. The thrills miss the mark and it becomes slow. My biggest problem is the climax. The film takes a cinematic approach to settle this out and my question is WTF? It is very unrealistic and senseless. It is really a facepalm moment. Overall, this film is very good to entertain audience at home but maybe more expertise in filmmaking for the director would have really made it perfect.

The acting in the film is solid. Vishwak Sen is climbing up the ladder in his acting and proves that he is a very good actor. He very much has got his break and shattered the rude rowdy image he got form Faluknama Das. I like when he shouts, it's effortless. He also gave a very real trauma body language. Overall, it is his career best performance.  He can be force to reckon with now. Ruhani Sharma has very little to do in this film. I don't know how she accepted this film after her impressive debut in Chi La Sow. Murali Sharma, Bhanuchander in their brief appearances give very good performances. Chaitanya Sagiraju as Rohit, Vikram's right hand man delivered a good performance but even after he gets his own twist reveal, he gets overshadowed. This key character should have been handled well. Other actors give good performances according to their requirements.

The technical aspects of this film are stronger than the acting. The director has given this crew a lot of details to work with. The cinematography is classical thriller stuff. The visualisation of many scenes are excellent. The dark stuff were well handled and give an uncomfortable feel.Raw Hyderabad both old and new are beautifully shown by the cinematographer. The BGM by Vivek Sagar(the future music director batch) is very good. His tracks are now in my list of best tracks for a thriller. An important aspect beautifully covered. The editing is sharp but the film loses its tension by the end. The production design is very good and quality is seen despite the budget constraints. The real locations of the film are another major advantage for the film and gives a real feel to the film.

Overall, this film is a good watch in home if you are in a mood to watch a thriller. It has a classic first half which builds tension but loses it at the end due to the lack of proper thrills and slower pace. It is worth a watch for Vishwak Sen's best performance and Vivek Sagar's wonderful BGM.

iMDB Rating : 8.2/10
My Rating : 8/10

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